Halloween 2017

This saw the kids dress up as toilet roll Mummies, dunk for spinning donuts and make a special Pumpkin face. Snacks were all about the ghoul and the ghastly while still being delicious.

Haloween 15

Haloween 13

Haloween 14

Haloween 12

Haloween 11

Haloween 10

Haloween 9

Haloween 5

Haloween 8

Haloween 7

Haloween 6

Haloween 4

Haloween 3

haloween 1

Haloween 2


























































October Holiday Club Activities.

The Fire brigade came to visit on Monday 9th October. There were not too many children in that day so they had a lot of attention from the firemen who were able to show them so much. The hoses were on and so was the siren!

Around twenty four of us visited Wonderworld in Kirkcaldy on the Wednesday of the holidays. It was a nice short journey and everyone was well behaved. Wonderworld itself is wonderful, the children disappeared to play and we only saw them again for juice and when they were hungry for their lunch. The volcano climb and slide was the best we were told. We finished off at Castle Green for a wee play before heading back. Your children were a delight to be with.

On Friday we were all tired out. Jenny gave us dancing instruction in the hall and then we were ready in our pyjamas to watch some movies, chill and eat popcorn. All the children seemed to enjoy the holiday club.