MOOSCC Confidentiality Policy


Information given to MOOSCC from parents, guardians, children and staff is vital to allow MOOSCC to provide an excellent standard of care and also underpins workforce and service development. Users and staff entrust personal information to our organisation and expect that information will be handled appropriately and privacy respected. Confidence that information will be held and treated confidentially helps ensure all necessary information is freely shared with us.

About the Policy

This policy

  • Applies to all staff, visiting staff, volunteers and Committee Members
  • Applies to all information you have had access to in the course of your duties for MOOSCC
  • States that all staff and Committee Members must be familiar with the policy and meet the standards within the policy and also within the terms of their contracts.
  • States that any staff or Committee member who is unable to commit to these standards must inform the Management Committee immediately.
  • States that failure to comply with this policy is a disciplinary offence which may lead to dismissal after an investigation. Further information is contained within the Disciplinary Policy.


What Is Confidential Information

When information is shared with MOOSCC the person concerned has a right to expect it will be kept confidential, this is part of common law. Confidential information will be regarded as ANY information received by MOOSCC regarding service users and their families, staff information or MOOSCC business information. Confidentiality applies to information shared in any format including verbally.


Maintaining Confidentiality

All information should be treated as confidential as soon as it is received by MOOSCC and this must be maintained at all times. All staff and Committee are responsible for ensuring this happens.

Information can be protected by ensuring;

  • Accurate and relevant notes  are kept ,each entry being signed and dated
  • Information is only accessed when needed
  • Information is kept electronically secure, passwords are kept safe and data is held in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998
  • Information is kept physically secure e.g. no paperwork left visible on desks, conversations and telephone calls with parents, carers or staff are held in private if necessary and paperwork stored in locked cabinets.
  • MOOSCC keeps and destroys information in line with national guidelines on data management
  • Staff and Committee do not  mention employment or involvement with MOOSCC on social networking
  • If an actual or possible breach of confidentiality occurs it should be reported immediately to the Manager or Management Committee.


Disclosing Information

With Consent

In some circumstances it may be appropriate to share information held by MOOSCC with parental consent e.g. with the school, with Educational Psychologist. This consent may be written or verbal but staff must ensure consent is recorded and that the parents/guardians are clear what information is to be disclosed, how it is to be used and this information recorded. If in doubt discuss with the Manager or Management Committee first.

Without Consent

In certain serious situations usually those involving child protection/safety issues or criminal matters it may become necessary to disclose information without consent. Staff must consult with the Manager or Management committee before doing so.Details of the incident, the reason for the disclosure and the information given must be recorded, dated and signed.